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Tag Archives: nuts

How smoked salmon is made?

How smoked salmon is made? Smoking is a processing method for flavoring, cooking, or preserving food by exposing it to smoke. It’s commonly used with meat, poultry and fish. The smoking process To smoke salmon, thawed, boneless fillets are covered in salt and occasionally sugar. And

What are proteins and why is it important?

Proteins are the main building blocks of your body. They’re used to make muscles, tendons, organs, and skin. As well as enzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters, and various molecules that serve many important functions. Proteins consist of smaller molecules called amino acids. Which link together like beads

The dangers of “tooth decay”.

Tooth decay can be caused by many factors. If left untreated, it can spread to the tooth’s pulp, causing inflammation and infection at the root tip, forming pus and breaking through to the surrounding tissue. And then affecting the swallowing, breathing, or vision systems health.  How